Raghuleela Mega Mall Kandivali(W) Premises Co.Op.Society Ltd.

Registration No : MUMWYR/GNL/O/2136/2010-11/Year 2010

5th Floor, Raghuleela Mega Mall, Behind Poisar Depot, Kandivali(W), Mumbai - 400067,
E.Mail: accounts@raghuleelakandivali.in





Maintenance Charges

Demand Note for the Period: {{$invoice->bill_month}} {{$invoice->bill_year}}

Unit No: S119

(Mob: {{$owner->phone}})

Bill No: {{$invoice->id}}/{{$invoice->bill_year}}/{{$invoice->bill_month}}

Name: Mr. & Mrs. {{$owner->name}}

Date: {{$invoice->bill_date}}


Due Date: {{$maintainanceTemplate->due_day}}

Carpet Area: {{$owner->flat_sqrft}} (Sqft)

@php $groupATotal = 0; @endphp {{-- --}} @php $groupBTotal = $invoice->maintainance_cost + $invoice->property_tax_cost + $invoice->water_charges + $invoice->vehicle_charges @endphp @php $groupCTotal = 0 @endphp @php $groupDTotal = 0 @endphp @php $netAmount = $groupATotal + $groupBTotal + $groupCTotal + $groupDTotal; @endphp
Sl.No Account Name Rate Amount (Rs.)

A - Taxable Charges (SAC Code: 999599)

1 Service Charge 00.00 00.00
2 Insurance Charge 00.00 00.00
Group Total {{number_format($groupATotal, 2)}}

B - Non Taxable Charges

3 Electricity Charge 00.00{{number_format($invoice->electricity_charges, 2)}}000.00
5 Water Charge 00.00 {{number_format($invoice->water_charges, 2)}}
6 Vehicle Charge 00.00 {{number_format($invoice->vehicle_charges, 2)}}
7 Maintenance Cost {{number_format($maintainanceTemplate->per_sqrft_maintaince_cost, 2)}} {{number_format($invoice->maintainance_cost, 2)}}
8 Property Tax Cost {{number_format($maintainanceTemplate->per_sqrft_property_tax, 2)}} {{number_format($invoice->property_tax_cost, 2)}}
9 Non Occupancy Charges 00.00
Group Total {{number_format($groupBTotal, 2)}}

C - BMC Property Tax

10 BMC Property Tax(Shop Area) 00.00 00.00
11 BMC Property Tax(Loft Area)
12 BMC Property Tax(Common Area)
Group Total {{number_format($groupCTotal, 2)}}

D - Interest / Penalty

13 Interest Maint. Chgs. 00.00
14 Interest on Property Tax 00.00
Group Total {{number_format($groupDTotal, 2)}}
Net Amount{{ number_format( $netAmount, 2)}}
{{-- for laravel-pdf library: to add new page with following content --}} {{-- @pageBreak--}}

With Tax Charges

In Words: @php $amountInWords = \Rmunate\Utilities\SpellNumber::value(12520) ->currency("inr" ) ->toLetters() @endphp


CGST @ 9% On Group A 000.00
SGST @ 9% On Group A 000.00
Round off 000.00
Bill Amount {{number_format( $netAmount, 2)}}
Arrears - Principal (Maint.) 000.00
Arrears of Total Prop. Tax 000.00
Arrears of Int.on Prop. Tax 000.00
Arrears - Others 000.00
Arrears - Interest 000.00
Total Arrears 000.00
Grand Total {{number_format( $netAmount, 2)}}


  1. The Billing Method has been revised as per resolution passed by General body from time to time
  2. For billing inquiry Contact 28630038 between 11.00 am to 5.30 pm.
  3. The Billing Charges are estimated based on past data.
  4. BMC Property Tax Bill revised as per annexure January 2017 & penalty charged at 2% p.m. as per BMC notice RF. No. A&C/SIE.01A/2/Dated 04/01/2019.
  5. Non Occupancy Charges 5% of service charge. Interest for delayed payment @21% p.a.
  6. No Cash Payment. No TDS to be deducted.
  7. Cheque in favour of Raghuleela Mega Mall Kandivali (W) Premises Co-op. Society Ltd .
  8. For online payment -Bank Name: Union Bank of India Br. Kandivali West, A/c. No. 170610010009868 IFSC : UBIN0553826.
    Email the same with shop Details on :accounts@raghuleelakandivali.in
  9. Society reserve the right to raise bill on account of statutory tax + penalty contested by the Society with Govt. and MCGM E & O E